Migrating from Deis v1

Workflow uses kubectl and helm to manage the cluster. These tools are equivalent to Deis v1's fleetctl and deisctl. These two tools are used for managing the cluster's state, installing the platform and inspecting its state.

This document is a "cheat sheet" for users migrating from Deis v1 to Workflow (v2). It lists most of the known commands administrators would use with deisctl and translates their usage in Workflow.

Listing all Components

# Deis v1
$ deisctl list

# Workflow
$ kubectl --namespace=deis get deployments

Listing all Nodes

# Deis v1
$ fleetctl list-machines

# Workflow
$ kubectl get nodes

Custom Configuration

# Deis v1
$ deisctl config controller set registrationMode=admin_only

# Workflow
$ kubectl --namespace=deis patch deployment deis-controller -p '{"spec":{"containers":{"env":[{"name":"REGISTRATION_MODE","value":"admin_only"}]}}}'

View Component Configuration

# Deis v1
$ deisctl config router get bodySize

# Workflow
$ kubectl --namespace=deis get deployment deis-router -o yaml

Running a Command Within a Component

# Deis v1
$ deisctl dock router@1

# Workflow
$ kubectl get po --namespace=deis -l app=deis-router --output="jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.name}"
$ kubectl --namespace=deis exec -it deis-router-1930478716-iz6oq bash

Follow the Logs for a Component

# Deis v1
$ fleetctl journal -f deis-builder

# Workflow
$ kubectl get po --namespace=deis -l app=deis-builder --output="jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.name}"
$ kubectl --namespace=deis logs -f deis-builder-1851090495-5n0sn