Install Deis Workflow on Azure Container Service¶
Check Your Setup¶
First check that the helm
command is available and the version is v2.5.0 or newer.
$ helm version
Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.5.0", GitCommit:"012cb0ac1a1b2f888144ef5a67b8dab6c2d45be6", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.5.0", GitCommit:"012cb0ac1a1b2f888144ef5a67b8dab6c2d45be6", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Finally, initialize Helm:
helm init
Ensure the kubectl
client is installed and can connect to your Kubernetes cluster.
Add the Deis Chart Repository¶
The Deis Chart Repository contains everything needed to install Deis Workflow onto a Kubernetes cluster, with a single helm install deis/workflow --namespace deis
Add this repository to Helm:
$ helm repo add deis
Create New Azure Storage Account¶
It is recommended to use a dedicated storage account for the operational aspects of Workflow, which includes storing slug and container images, database backups, and disaster recovery. This storage account is passed as parameters during the helm install
command in the next step. Replace the AZURE_SA_NAME
variable with a unique name for your storage account and execute these commands.
$ export AZURE_SA_NAME=YourGlobalUniqueName
$ az storage account create -n $AZURE_SA_NAME -l $AZURE_DC_LOCATION -g $AZURE_RG_NAME --sku Standard_LRS
$ export AZURE_SA_KEY=`az storage account keys list -n $AZURE_SA_NAME -g $AZURE_RG_NAME --query [0].value --output tsv`
Note: Premium Storage skus are not supported yet due to lack of block blob storage support required for the deis database to function.
Install Deis Workflow¶
Now that Helm is installed and the repository has been added, install Workflow by running:
$ helm install deis/workflow --namespace=deis --set,azure.accountname=$AZURE_SA_NAME,azure.accountkey=$AZURE_SA_KEY,azure.registry_container=registry,azure.database_container=database,azure.builder_container=builder
Helm will install a variety of Kubernetes resources in the deis
Wait for the pods that Helm launched to be ready. Monitor their status by running:
$ kubectl --namespace=deis get pods
If it's preferred to have kubectl
automatically update as the pod states change, run (type Ctrl-C to stop the watch):
$ kubectl --namespace=deis get pods -w
Depending on the order in which the Workflow components initialize, some pods may restart. This is common during the installation: if a component's dependencies are not yet available, that component will exit and Kubernetes will automatically restart it.
Here, it can be seen that the controller, builder and registry all took a few loops before they were able to start:
$ kubectl --namespace=deis get pods
deis-builder-hy3xv 1/1 Running 5 5m
deis-controller-g3cu8 1/1 Running 5 5m
deis-database-rad1o 1/1 Running 0 5m
deis-logger-fluentd-1v8uk 1/1 Running 0 5m
deis-logger-fluentd-esm60 1/1 Running 0 5m
deis-logger-sm8b3 1/1 Running 0 5m
deis-minio-4ww3t 1/1 Running 0 5m
deis-registry-asozo 1/1 Running 1 5m
deis-router-k1ond 1/1 Running 0 5m
deis-workflow-manager-68nu6 1/1 Running 0 5m
Once all of the pods are in the READY
state, Deis Workflow is up and running!
Next, configure dns so you can register your first user and deploy an application.