Deis Workflow Client CLI

The Deis command-line interface (CLI), lets you interact with Deis Workflow. Use the CLI to create and configure and manage applications.

Install the latest deis client for Linux or Mac OS X with:

$ curl -sSL | bash

The installer places the deis binary in your current directory, but you should move it somewhere in your $PATH:

$ sudo ln -fs $PWD/deis /usr/local/bin/deis


$ sudo mv $PWD/deis /usr/local/bin/deis

Check your work by running deis version:

$ deis version


Note that version numbers may vary as new releases become available

Helm Installation

We will install Deis Workflow using Helm which is a tool for installing and managing software in a Kubernetes cluster.

Install the latest helm cli for Linux or Mac OS X by following the installation instructions.

Step 2: Boot a Kubernetes Cluster and Install Deis Workflow

There are many ways to boot and run Kubernetes. You may choose to get up and running in cloud environments or locally on your laptop.

Cloud-based options:

If you would like to test on your local machine follow our guide for Minikube.